Wellington joined Liquid Intelligent Technologies in February 2009. He oversees and sits on several boards of the Group Companies in Southern Africa. He is directly responsible for the leadership, strategic and operations management of Liquid Intelligent Technologies Zimbabwe.

He has served on several Boards and currently sits on the board of directors of CEC Liquid Zambia, Liquid Botswana and ZOL Zimbabwe. He has been heavily involved in the planning, set up and build of the Liquid Intelligent Technologies network and business in Zimbabwe.

Wellington, who holds a B.Sc. degree and an MBA, has worked in telecommunications, consumer electronics and industrial electronics industries in both the UK and Africa since early 1980s. He has worked in these respective industries at both technical and senior executive levels. He has also worked in senior executive positions in both public and private sectors.

He is a keen golfer and loves watching football – he’s an ardent Manchester United supporter and loves to travel all over the world.


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