Sam is a former Cabinet Minister for the Republic of Rwanda and was in charge of energy and ICT, playing a pivotal role in formulating ICT, regulatory and energy national policies. He was involved in several African and global infrastructure initiatives, including dealing with stakeholders, development partners and related funding entities.
He holds a Masters Degree in Engineering from Canada and is a Professional Engineer with over 30 years of progressive executive management in the utilities and the telecoms industry in Africa and North America. He is the Chairman for Liquid Intelligent Technologies Group in East Africa, and previously served on Rwandatel, MTN and Altech East Africa and local power utilities’ boards.
Sam has been the Group Chief Managing Executive for Business Development and Government Relations and currently serves as Chief Executive Officer for One Africa Broadband Connectivity (1-ABC). Part of the Liquid Intelligent Technologies Group, 1-ABC focuses on new business markets delivering national and cross border fibre networks linking the Africa continent.


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